Going live soon!

Hey! Nikolay’s been really busy these days polishing the game and finishing cinematic. Thanks to Vasily, our artist, who kindly agreed to help on the latest phase, we now have a cool pure old school in-game videos.

Guys, the game’s almost ready and if everything goes well, you’ll be able to play pretty soon.

Stay tuned for release news!

Some update

Hi guys, haven’t been writing here for a while.

We are polishing the game, getting rid of many bugs and doing small stuff. Today we have completed the pause and main menu, so the game actually looks quite complete:)

Another task is to finish cinematics and I think we’ll get to it shortly.

Hope to be there till our May deadline!



Hey guys, time to update you about our progress.

– we’re about 90% through level design and actual gameplay testing

– we’ve completed about 90% of required assets (I hope)!

– we’ve got all sounds in place! soundtrack is ready and it’s epic!

– we now have a total of 42 bugs with 22 of them fixed

– some “cinematics” logic still needs to be completed.